
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Day I Got My Life Back

Today, I got my life back as a mother. 

My mind was completely off work.

I went to the wet market to do my marketing, spent a bit of time with the kids especially with my eldest chatting about school, work and friends. We laughed, chatted and had fun

A few days ago, I was still wondering about my blogging passion. Today I have found it again. Have you?  

In the evening, the children had a blast at the pool with minimal fights. Looked like they were learning to negotiate quite well. The children were happy and I was too. 

It felt very real and I could share these "mothering" moments with my newfound blogging mums. It was like Outnumbered-3-to-1-help-me-my-brothers.

And I love Meandering. 

What about you?

Thanks for reading!


  1. It's wonderful to hear that you've got your groove back! Totally agree that we need some distraction-free days where we focus simply on our kids, and on ourselves.

    Enjoyed reading your post on blogging passion too! Need some dose of encouragement and inspiration. :) Thank you for penning down your thoughts!

  2. Thanks Dawn for leaving a comment. You have been very encouraging indeed. I'm very thankful for you.
